Lets face it. Us girls have boy issues every once in a while. We either get played by boys, or cheated, you name it and i am certain that you or you're friends have been through them. Does it suck? Hell yeah it does. I for one am a girl and i have gone through this enough times to where I have just not even worry about boys. If a boy were to say like me or even want to date me i would have to think about 30 times before i can even consider to give him a chance. There will be a pretty good chance that i will get hurt. Now mind you I am still in high school but mostly likely in high school boys will do whatever it takes to play with you're mind just to get into your pants and its not right nor okay. They will fool you into thinking yeah he likes you, he will show signs that he likes you, flirt with you for a little bit. Tricks is what boys will do.
Sometimes they might actually really like you and then find a new girl that you think is even prettier and you start talking to her but while you were talking to the other girl. Soon he will stop talking to the first girl and things start to get tangled up into one big knot. Later the girl gets really confused and will start to ask a million questions about what is happening, why isn't he texting you or is ignoring you so much. Well if he is leaving you on read a lot and is ignoring you or is barely talking to you i really hate to break it to you sister but he is cheating on you or playing with you.
I liked this boy once. I actually loved him with all my heart. Him and I met over the summer when i was working at his pool as a lifeguard, and when i first laid my eyes on him man i swear i wanted to fly in the air. He was something so special. So i won his heart. We connected so well. It was like him and i were meant to be with each other. Summer is over and its harder for him and i to see each other, he lived about 25 minutes away from my house. But we talked everyday and would face time when him and i got home from school. It was nice. Then some stuff went down and he left me with me having to ask so many questions and there was no answer because he left...... without saying anything. The days went by me like i was waiting for Christmas in March. Day's just dreaded. I wanted him back so bad. I would wear his sweatshirt hoping he would come back. One day he did. He came back him and I were gonna work things out again. Then one week later it came crashing all back down..... Again..... Though the reason he left me was a good reason, and i realized that when he came back he was a whole other person. He was getting into things that were not him. Hanging with the wrong people. Doing bad choices that you could get into so much trouble for. At times he would choose drugs and weed over me. He said he cant but he had the time to do drugs with his group of friends. He just wasn't the same and the situation with him and i just was not the same. He didn't have the caring heart and soul like he had during the summer. Weed is so messed up and can change a person so damn quick. Still to this day i will love him with all of my heart no mater what i go through. He is someone special. I wont ever forget him. He will always have a place in my heart no matter how much of person he is.
My point here is make sure you know what you are getting you're self into before you even come close to a guy. I have to learn it the hard way but you know what i would rather make a good choice then have it thrown back in my face in the future. F*ck boy's are just plain stupid and need to realize that we do have heart and a soul and we take our own time and value into something that we hope to work out.
At the end of the day we are the same girls. We shouldn't change for anyone no matter how much we might like or even love them. If that person doesn't like the way you are and were born than that is his or her loss. You are beautiful in every way possible. NOBODY should be telling you how you need to look or like. YOU DO YOU.
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