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High school... facing reality

High school. 2 words. There comes to a lot when it you think of high school or even are living in it. There's the drama with the girl against girls and then the drama with guys against girls. Either way if you are in high school there will be drama. The funny thing is many teens say that " the drama stay in middle school". One things for sure is that that is completely not true. The drama will drag you on for life to come. You will be around drama in high school. As much as you want to get away from it and try to avoid it, though it will find a way to get into you're head and mess with you. You will have either friends in drama and you don't want to say no because you care about that friend and you could help out anyway as possible or you cause the drama.
    In reality let's be real high school is nothing but a whole bunch of stuck up, rich kids who get whatever they want, complain about it and then brag about it all day long to their preppy other friends. You see i have realized something. Every one has their own place in high school.  
There's the preppy rich kids who gets everything from their parents and don't get to spend one penny on there own stuff. (thanks mom and dad). Then the nerds/ geeks. They have their own group and seem really happy. The goody goody kids that seem to think they are so good that they go the wrong directions. It only goes worst from thereThe kids that look like they are 12 but are in high school. Yes  every school has one of those. When really we are all human. WE ARE ALL THE SAME.
      So there you go. The truth about how the real world of high school is.  So here I am writing about drama and what is the purpose of it? The goal for getting away from drama is to avoid all the drama possible. If you know you're going to a football game and this one girl has beef with another girl, only one thing to do really. To not go to the game or maybe just go to the game but avoid the drama. Just listen to what you're friend has to say but don't do any action about it. 
      Another thing about high school is the boys. Alright ladies lets's be real for a second. MOST of high school boys are players that just want to get into your're pants because they are so desperate for the sex, that their mind just isn't right. Boy's in high school want either 3 things. Sex. Weed/ smoking. Or a relationship. Many girls such as I have been through my up's and down's with boys. If I liked a boy and him and i were to talk but then he asked for either nudes or to have sex i would just either block him and get one more F*cked up boy out of my life for good. Ladies we have to show that we are really smart and make it seem what the boys are missing is more than just sex. We can't be giving our bodies away to someone that we barley know and someone that doesn't even have any care for us.

SO as far as this blog goes. I have made a thought to put something together to make some story times or advice to ladies that are having trouble with anything in life. Through parent trouble, to drama at school, boy issues. You name it and I will be there to help you out. I just wish in my opinion that high school wasn't as full of you know full of "everything". People will gossip and say rumors or talk and talk. Some kids will actually give a crap about what you look like and that's great if you do but to me if you're a senior and you have one more year left of high school why even bother worrying on what you look like when really if you think about it no one gives a crap if you have no make up on or wearing sweats and a t shirt with you're hair up in a bun.
             I hope this gave you a little reality on how REAL high school is. 
Image result for drama teens in high school


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